- BlythMeister/Gallifrey - Gallifrey time tracking app
- BlythMeister/PaketChain - Paket Chain dotnet tool
- BlythMeister/Doser - Doser dotnet tool
- BlythMeister/google-diff-match-patch - Google diff-match-patch port library
- BlythMeister/Fitbit-Overview-Face - Fitbit “Overview” watch face
- BlythMeister/BingImageDowload - Bing image downloader dotnet tool
- BlythMeister/What3Passwords - Password generator dotnet tool
- BlythMeister/Timelapse - bash script & C# console to make a timelapse
- BlythMeister/WebhookRelay.net - Web request relay Azure function & local app connected via Azure Service Bus
- BlythMeister/SecretSantaHelper - Primative app to create “Secret Santa” emails
- BlythMeister/AdventOfCode - My solutions to the Advent Of Code puzzles
More information on these projects can be found on the dedicated page: My Software
- 15below/Ensconce - The 15below deployment helper tool
- 15below/Build.Tools - The 15below shared build tools
- PaulStovell/ServiceBouncer - A service management tool
- chrislacy/TweetLanes - An Android Twitter client
Code Contributor
- fsharp/Fake - Build scripting language
- fsprojects/Paket - Dependency management tool
- fsprojects/Paket.VisualStudio - Visual Studio plugin for Paket
- chucknorris/roundhouse - Database deployment tool
- moq/moq4 - Test mocking framework
- jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag - Jekyll SEO data
- nunit/nunit-console - NUnit test console runner
- nunit/teamcity-event-listener - NUnit event publisher for TeamCity
- MahApps/MahApps.Metro - Desktop UI Framework
- chriseldredge/NuGet.Lucene - Lucene index for the Klondike nuget feed
- flcdrg/au-packages - Various Chocolatey Packages
- maartenba/ChocolateyPackages - TeamCity agent Chocolatey Package
- OctopusDeploy/OctopusClients - Octopus Deploy Client
- cake-build/cake - Cake build
- DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers - StyleCop DotNet analyser
- gitextensions/gitextensions - GitExtensions graphical git client
- patriksvensson/cupboard - Cupboard machine setup framework
- cake-contrib/Cake.BuildSystems.Module - Cake build system module
- codecadwallader/codemaid - CodeMaid Visual studio extension
- datreeio/datree - Datree Kubernetes YAML validator
- evryfs/helm-charts - Helm charts for dependency track application
- CycloneDX/cyclonedx-dotnet - dotnet tool to generate SBOM files
- chocolatey-community/chocolatey-packages - Community chocolatey packages
- MihaMarkic/Cake.Docker - Cake docker module
- jordigg/chocolatey-officebusiness - Chocolatey package
Non-Code Contributor
- Fitbit/ossapps - A catalog of OSS Fitbit apps
- mausch/Fleece - Json mapper
- spectresystems/jarvis - Desktop assistant
- up-for-grabs/up-for-grabs.net - A catalog of OSS repositories with “up-for-grabs” items
- Bogdanp/awesome-advent-of-code - Advent of code