PayPal (Any Amount)
Requires PayPal account but allows for a donation of any amount in your chosen currency.
Credit/Debit Card, Apple Pay & Google Pay (Any Amount)
Donation currencies:
No sign-up and allows for donation of any amount.
Feel free to contact me for links in a different currency and I can generate a link to add above.
Crypto Currency (Any Amount)
I can accept most crypto currency, some popular currency addresses:
- Bitcoin (BTC) - 3H9GYM9g1xg79fDxikBH7S5xZzQLm7eDJ7
- Dogecoin (DOGE) - DPKqSV4BkSwU73H3BSg385QDyUyZyFQifv
- Ethereum (ETH) - 0xE73f2591E88619090D2be8fd08BCba4d7361f9c5
- Solana (SOL) - 2J5K9qaBVu78JdkLcwKabSF5i4y6pzFVXCm5WtiCd4P8
Feel free to contact me for wallet in other crypto currency.
Buy Me A Coffee (£3, £6 or £9)
Pay for the coffee using PayPal or any credit/debit card.
No sign-up required.
Why Donate
Why do i even have this page for donations? - I have listed a few reasons as to why donations are so useful.
- Donations are a great way to sponsor future development on existing or new products.
- Donations help with the ongoing running costs of existing platforms.
- Donations means that I know who my users are so can keep you informed of updates.
- Most of the software I publish is completely free to use but has taken a lot of time to create. - A small “thank you” donation for a cup of coffee goes a long way :)
Donations Not Licences
The donation model offered by my software is not an offer of lifetime support for your single donation.